The boy with the kite
Stood alone a boy in the field
While the breeze made the grass kiss the earth
While everything around swayed along
Stood the boy sturdy among the birds.
As the sun began evanescing with the day
And the stars began to make their mark
His crimson kite flew southwards
Fluttering high in the rather changing sky.
The little boy has no worries
He is as free as the kite in his hand
The only thing that keeps him pinioned
Are the weak strands of family ties.
But what is a kite without a thread?
Its just a paper blown away by the wind
Without family the little boy knows nothing
He is as lost as the kite itself.
As the time flew by the sun bid adieu
The stars grew brighter and the moon faintly peeked
As the time flew by the boy grew older
He began changing like the overhead skyline
The worries of adulthood changed him forever
And he let go of the kite he had once held so tightly to.